Her Honour Donna Mirasty

Her Honour Donna Mirasty

Donna Mirasty was born and raised in the historic northern Saskatchewan community of Cumberland House. Her first language is Swampy Cree. One of eight children, Mrs. Mirasty’s father was a trapper and fisherman, and her mother was a homemaker. Her father served in the South Saskatchewan Regiment during the Second World War. Cumberland House had the highest per capita enlistment by Indigenous Peoples during the War.

Her Honour’s parents believed strongly in education and encouraged their children to pursue post-secondary education. Mrs. Mirasty studied nursing in Saskatoon and Nipawin, and is a Licensed Practical Nurse. She is an avid cross-country skier, and has volunteered for numerous ski clubs. She is also a skilled seamstress and experienced quilter.

Her Honour has lived throughout Canada and has travelled extensively in her home province of Saskatchewan. She and her husband, Lieutenant Governor Russ Mirasty, have a home in La Ronge, and they have two children and two grandchildren.


Madame Donna Mirasty est née et a passé son enfance dans la localité historique de Cumberland House, dans le nord de la Saskatchewan. Sa langue maternelle est le cri des marais. Le père de Mme Mirasty, trappeur et pêcheur, et sa mère, femme au foyer, ont eu huit enfants. Son père a servi dans le South Saskatchewan Regiment pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Au cours de cette guerre, Cumberland House a connu, par habitant, le taux d’enrôlement le plus élevé chez les peuples autochtones.

Les parents de Son Honneur croyaient fermement à l’éducation et encourageaient leurs enfants à poursuivre des études postsecondaires. Infirmière auxiliaire autorisée, Mme Mirasty a étudié les sciences infirmières à Saskatoon et à Nipawin. Passionnée de ski de fond, elle a fait du bénévolat pour de nombreux clubs de ski. Elle est également habile couturière et « courtepointière » chevronnée.

Son Honneur a vécu partout au Canada et a beaucoup voyagé en Saskatchewan, sa province natale. Elle et son mari, le lieutenant‑gouverneur Russ Mirasty, ont une résidence à La Ronge. Ils ont deux enfants et deux petits‑enfants.

Swampy Cree:

Donna Mirasty kî-nîtawikiw mina kî-opikiw ekota kayâs kâ-kî-pệ-ispayik kîwêtinôk saskatchêwan îtâwin ministikominahikosîk.  nistam opikiskêwin maskêkoh neyhowêwin, peyak ôta ohci êyinanêw awasisak. itâtasiwak.  otâwîmâwa kî-wanîkêw êkwa kî-pakitawaw (or onôcikinosîwîw)

êkwa okâwîmâwa kî-opikiyawasôniwa.  Otâwîmâwa kî-onôtinikê simâkanis ahkamaskîk “South Saskatchewan Regiment” kîtwom kanôtinikaniwak misiwêskamik.  Ministikominahikosîk mina kakî mawaci osamêticik ininiwak ta-âniskôtâwecik ispîk kanôtinikaniwak.

êko awa okimâwênîtâkos onîkîkomawa maskahi ta-pêtamak kiskinohamakêwin ekwa kî-sikimâmasôwâwasôwak kîci kiskinohamakîwin.  Wîkîtowî-iskwêw Mirasty kî-nanâtawi kiskênîtam maskîkîwiskwêwin êkotê Misāskwatôminihk êkwa Nipawinihk êkwa kî-kaskîtamaso wanasowêwin kocîtawin maskîkî iskwêwin.  kasêkinimo tâskam-aski soskwanâtahiwinâtikwanîw êkwa pê-pakitinisostamakowisiw mîcêt soskwanâtahiwinâtikwanîw omêtawêwa. nahîw kaskikwâsowin êkwa nakâcîtaw nâkwayîkwâsow. 

Okimâwênîtâkos pe-wîkîw misiwê itê Canada pê-papâmotêho nâspic o-tipâskân, Saskatchewan.

Wina êkwa wîkîmakana, simâkanisîwin onôtinikê kîci okimâwin Russ Mirasty wîkîwaw astêw La Ronge êkwa nîso awasisak mina nîso osisimiwak.